stressed overworked too much work overloaded organize time management hustle

Webinars were too much

You may have noticed we haven’t continued our webinars. That’s because with our need and focus to get our app working and launched with just me (Sabian) and 1-2 other developers helping part-time, I was spreading myself too thin and neglecting the team’s direction and leadership.

Because of my previous decision to try and focus on improving my weakness (marketing) while my part-time team was helping develop an app which I hadn’t even fully explained to them, I have created delays where delays didn’t need to happen.

My previous decision had held all of us back for months, because if I had put my focus into working with my strengths (development & project management) right at the beginning, and guiding the team by direct example by laying a clear path for them to follow, we would have launched our app closer to March instead of December.

With that lesson learned and me now focusing on truly LEADING, we’re making real, tangible progress. I may be publishing shorter posts, but rather than the posts being a struggle like they were before, now I’m in the thick of it and content is coming from real steps we’re taking as we move forward.

So, the first time is always the worst, because every time after it only gets better.

I’m excited about just how much we’ll be improving from here on.

How excited are you?
