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Webinar #01: Social Confidence – Awareness

Your first Ugeddit webinar is happening next week! On Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 at 10:00-10:30am Pacific Time, you’ll learn about augmenting social confidence.

No matter what level of social skills you currently have, confidence can sometimes be a different question, especially in situations where you might feel you need to be a certain way, or that you have to live up to certain expectations. Sometimes not handling this very well can make you look worse than you actually are.

But, that’s why you’re here, because whether you’re learning this for yourself or for someone else, you know that when you handle these situations in the best possible way you can, you get the outcomes you want, and you feel confident that you can handle anything similar in the future.

In this webinar, you’ll learn and be able to implement one of the first key steps to consistently mastering your social confidence, with our speaker, Allen Funston, P.Eng., MBA, LSSBB, owner of Sentience Future Consulting. Allen enjoys helping people discover and define their true values and highest goals, helping them incorporate these into their lives and feel totally fulfilled

If you have any questions for us or Allen to answer during the webinar, use our question submission form, and if we have time, you might hear us answer it during the event!

Plus, if you’re the person we can tell has been engaging the most before the webinar (on our social posts tagged with #ugeddit #webinar #socialconfidence) and also during the webinar with questions that we believe are valuable to many of the audience members, you’ll get a valuable prize from Allen!

But you’ll only find out what it is when you join and engage!