Ugeddit origins conflict harmony communicate better

Ugeddit Origins #09: Conflict and Harmony

Featurizing intentions was an important decision, because of just how much more they matter beyond anything else.

Rules, religions, laws, and tools.

Companies, countries, economies, and schools.

These and more are just a means to an end

For things only serve what their creator intends

I made this poem up on the spot, but its meaning is clear, because everything we do, everything we plan, and everything we say, has an intention.

Jason can say “I want a raise”, where his boss thinks “He is greedy”, telling him “No”, and Jason thinks “He’s cheap and doesn’t respect me”


Jason can say “I think I’ve contributed a lot to you and this company, and I would feel more valued if my salary reflected that”, and his boss thinks about what he has contributed, and says “You know what? You have contributed a lot, and have been making my life easier because of it, so I’ll give you that raise”

The only difference between conflict and harmony is how well others are understanding their intentions.

And so I decided Ugeddit will be a digital chat communities platform with one core feature at the heart of every decision we make, and within every message people send, where everyone can experience that harmony, that feeling of being truly heard.

…The story will continue in Ugeddit Origins #10…

For previous and next episodes, explore my Ugeddit Origins Series