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Ugeddit Origins #08: Intentions

Because feelings are not simple to measure, I started thinking about intentions for Ugeddit, but what are intentions exactly?

Intentions are the reason or purpose we have to do something, and are the guiding principles we use to shape how we choose to do it. For Ugeddit, intentions are why we are communating and interacting with other people, and they influence what we choose to say and do.

So, after going through a lot of resources and long sessions of deep thought about psychology, therapy, and team culture, as well as many conversations with experienced and insightful people, including high-performance coaches, therapists, conflict resolution consultants, and more, I boiled down every possible intention I could think of all the way to four highest level intentions. Yes, four.

You expected me to say what they are just now, didn’t you? Well, I’m cheeky, and you’ll just have to find out when you join our wait list so you can know when we launch and sign up, or you can always ask me when we happen to have a conversation 😉

Anyway, the point is, I thought about using intentions as “tags” that can be measured based on how frequently they are used, and that is a metric; maybe not the best metric in the world, but a starting point, and that’s all an MVP needs: a foundation to build from.

Featurizing intentions was an important decision, because your intentions are influencing you right now, and have already been influencing me and you for a long time…

…The story continues in Ugeddit Origins #09…

For previous and next episodes, explore my Ugeddit Origins Series