Psychological Safety & Continuous Learning

I found this article very interesting, because it talks about several very important aspects of communicaiton and working with people:

  • Reinforcing the truth that every mistake is a good learning opportunity and an accomplishment of discovery for new things that can be improved that you didn’t realize before
  • Acknowledging your own gaps and mistakes so that others see you as self-improving, and also learn from your journey so they can both do better themselves and support you better 
  • Modeling your own curiosity, rather than hiding or diminishing it, and instead demonstrating it every time you interact with others, so both you and they are inspired more and more with every chat 
  • Showing the team their curiosity is wanted and appreciated, so that not only do they help you see gaps you’re currently missing, but also feel more involved in how the business is moving forward and growing, thus putting more of their time and effort into making the best of it 
  • Openly sharing transparent knowledge to the entire company, so that everyone sees your authenticity and willingness to be held accountable to your decisions, because you know your decisions are made with the best intentions, and showing others makes them confident in them as well, so they help you fulfill them with dedication