Pitch done, TestFlight preparations

We’ve completed our first pitch competition! We didn’t win 1st place, but the top winners were in sustainable bioplastics manufacturing, supermarket bulk food dispensor technology, and thrift/discarded clothing reclamation and reuse, which are all valuable fields the world could use help in, and because we know all the contestants, if you have any business for or interest in them, reach out to us at info@ugeddit.com and if it makes sense, we’re happy to make an intro!

Our Android app is already on Google Play’s internal testing track, which means you can apply to be in our Alpha Tester Program! If you want to join, let us know at info@ugeddit.com

Learn more about why you want to join our alpha testers program here.

We’re also preparing to compile our app for Apple’s TestFlight on their App Store, because so many people have told us they’re using iPhone, and we’re using Flutter, a cross-platform development framework, which means we can quickly make the iOS app using the same codebase.
