Our Chat with an Author

Sabian (founder): Our conversations are incredible. We’re not only aligned in our values, but the actions we’re both taking in multiple areas of our lives are heading towards the same overarching goal: uplifting humanity to it’s greater levels of potential. Here are just a few questions they asked me after our first meeting:

  1. What’s your story and where you’re going/what impact you’re trying to make?
    • I grew up isolated, emotionally and socially, and video games were my escape into a more interesting and eventful life full of achievements, but I realized that real life, the true real life, has so much more, and it lasts so much longer.
  2. What role Gratitude plays in your life?
    • I thank people every day as part of my routine, and I never fail to find someone or something that I recognize has had a positive effect on my, whether they intended to or not.
  3. What message would you like to personally share with any viewers?
    • I’m building my startup, Ugeddit, on these values, and several others, and I advise you all to ask yourselves the same question I ask myself every 15 minutes: “Is what I’m currently doing helping me the most to reach my biggest goal?”
  4. A photo of you and/or ugeddit. Your fave photo or something to represent you.
    • This photo is of me looking off a bridge in Nagano, Japan. It was taken by my father figure from childhood who I had not seen in a very long time. He had been living almost in isolation in Nagano for over 14 years, and visiting him was incredibly moving for both of us. We had caught up after years and years, and realized just how much influence we’ve had on each other since I was a child, and how similar we’ve always been in certain ways.

      We both couldn’t have taken better times off to spend quality time together with him showing me around Nagano, and me meeting his Japanese family, getting to know them and their quirky family dynamics like all family’s have.

      Overall, it was time well-spent, and I would do it again, any day.

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