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Jubilee CEO’s Love Story

Video: This is Both Sides of Jason, founder & CEO of Jubilee Media, and his fiancé’s relationship, Melody. If you haven’t heard of Jubilee’s Both Sides series, you might want to check it out.

Watching this video reminded me of the crucial importance of taking action, defining your values, and holding yourself accountable to them.

Taking Action is Crucial, Because…

If you don’t take action, nothing will happen intentionally, and you’ll be losing opportunities to get what you want. When Jason DMed Melody for the first time [timestamp 1:02], he took action, and directed himself towards an outcome he didn’t even know he wanted, just by taking that first step.

When You Define Your Values…

You gain absolute clarity about what you value and what you don’t value at all times, which means you can make faster decisions that get you more of what you want. Jason and Melody defined their values of JGRCC [timestamp 9:08] (Joy, Growth, Respect, Christ, Communication), they made it easy for them to make decisions and take actions that align with their values and fulfill them.

Holding Yourself Accountable Means…

Being clear and confident about your capabilities and what promises you know you can fulfill or not fulfill, and upholding them until they are fulfilled or being direct and upfront about when you can no longer fulfill them. I felt Melody has this sense of accountability, when she described her insecurity about thinking she might not be able to live up to Jason’s values for a family [timestamp 6:47]


My biggest takeaway from this was that the clearer you are about your intentions and what you truly want from a relationship, the easier it becomes for both of you to find the pathways that lead to the outcomes you both want.

What’s your biggest takeaway? And what does it help you realize?