pexels andrea piacquadio ugeddit solving problems moving forward development coding communication

Issues We’re Overcoming

With our focus funneled towards launching the MVP, we’re seeing fewer and fewer issues with each step forward, and we are working on what seems to be one last bug before we head straight to launch: our chat isn’t automatically showing new messages when users send them to the group chat.

For developers reading this, it has something to do with our front end not connecting to our server socket, but the server is recognizing an opened socket connection. If you can help sort this out, we appreciate it!

For non-developers reading this, we really want to launch this now, but without this bug fixed, the main feature of our app, group chat, is not yet usable until the chat actually updates for new messages. So, if you know any developers familiar with sockets and realtime datastreams, tell them about us!

This week, we have

  • Discovered and fixed
    • login issues that were
      • accepting incorrect passwords
      • not displaying errors when logins failed
    • chat issues where
      • displaying the messages was failling
      • “Not authorized” errors were blocking downloads
  • Discovered this latest (and hopefully last) socket connection issue
  • Organized our code so that it is much more consistent, thus easier to manage, helping us find and solve new issues quicker and easier

As we research and diagnose, especially with Abdinasir‘s experience, I’m estimating to have this solved by early next week, and continue moving forward…

May the rest of your weekend be even better than you’re expecting, and filled with unexpected goodness.
