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Events, leaders, partners?

Hello, wonderful person!

What did you enjoy the most during your Thanksgiving holidays?

Since I didn’t post an update last week, here’s 2 weeks of updates:


  • I’m about to start a weekly mini-event in Ugeddit’s Discord community around people practising and helping each other improve social skills. I’m not the best at being energetic, which is one reason I’m looking for a Community Leader to help
  • I reached out to a couple organizations based around mediation, conflict resolution, and effective communication which also have communities with whom we may be able to partner, and from which we can onboard members, coaches, and more
    • National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
    • Mediators Beyond Borders International


  • My friend and I had a chat where he let me know about a very interesting organization called Low Entropy that’s helping people build community and facilitate personal development
  • I met with a coach who’s also a kinesiologist; we talked about psychology and great books like Crucial Conversations which is about methods to start effective conversations that resolve disagreements more easily for both sides
  • I caught up with a friend of mine who’s cofounder of an ML epilepsy detection and forecasting company; they’re currently doing clinical trials of their tech, and it’s pretty cool
  • Maxine Cunningham, cofounder of Pick My Brain, and I chatted and shared our progress with our companies, our goals, and our next steps, and within this 1 conversation we BOTH shared potentially huge value

Other cool stuff

  • I did an interview on the topic of “Effort” with Perry from The Octopus Movement
  • I attended Pick My Brain’s latest community event hosted by Maxine Cunningham where two speakers, Farinaz Lari and Soushiant Zanganehpour, talked about the revolution that has begun in Iran over women’s rights, safety, and overcoming the crimes against Humanity being committed against them. They also mentioned how Iran has one of the most educated populations in the world, and their potential is huge

So yes, lotta stuff going on, and if you want to help, then the most valuable thing you can do right now is this:

  1. Think of a person who may be interested in becoming a Community Leader, and
  2. Introduce them to me via chat, Discord, email, or some way, then
  3. Them and I will chat to figure things out and see if we’re both comfortable moving forward with anything

If you do this, I will appreciate you a ton!

Enjoy your week even more than you’re expecting to!

Always moving forward