
Founder of Ugeddit | Cognitive Scientist | Experience designer | World & story builder | Music lover | Martial artist

New Back End Server Is Up!

Coming from Serverless, which our team is not as experienced with, especially since using Amplify has been unnecessarily difficult, we’ve switched to EC2 which has much better documentation and is what our team is more familiar with. Now that we have it set up, we have our foundation, and we’re ready to move forward to

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Pietro Rutzen photo

Our team: Pietro

Hey, everyone! We’d like to introduce Pietro, a very important member of our team! Pietro is a Developer professionally and a Philosophy bachelor’s student academically. When he joins new projects in his career, he analyzes the context and goals to choose the most suitable tools to specialize himself into developing the project as best he

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Newsletter Automation!

You might notice a few differences in our email content, and that’s because we’ve now automated a section within our newsletters to send a compiled list of our updates. This gives us more time to speak and chat with you one-on-one, listening to more of your different advice on how we can improve our communication,

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Spread the Word!

Right now, we’re looking for more of the people who understand isolation and support our mission, so that we can bring together like-minded people for a common purpose! You may know someone, or even multiple people, who may be interested in, at the very least, learning about what we’re doing, and maybe are even willing

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