Auth0 now fully working!

Everyone! We had a tricky week switching over to Auth0 because it uses different credentials, and our back end API was not set up to use them.

But, we figured out every single issue and updated our back end code to correctly use Auth0’s tokens!

We’ve started working on the next feature for Conversations: completion

Completing conversations means you and the others agree that you have all gained something helpful from the chat, and all have closure that the conversation is complete, while still being free to start a second conversation if you want to expand on the topic

I (Sabian) have been having some more intense PC problems recently, so I haven’t been able to complete as much as I could have. My exciting goal was to finish this entire new feature by this week, which may have been a bit extreme, but hey

Next week is when to expect the next release of our app, which if all goes well (or well enough) will have Conversation completion ready for you to test!

I’m super excited about what is coming next… 🤩

How excited are you getting?

Let’s do this!