Why does Ugeddit exist?

The problem we're noticing

There’s a global pandemic happening, but it’s not COVID-19. The things that are happening in the world are shining a light on a much older and systematically disastrous problem: violent communication.

The rising popularity of the Internet and social media has revealed that the vast majority of people have been using mindsets and behaviours that create fear, anger, and sadness; judgement, blame, and depression.

  • “If you don’t agree with me, then you’re the problem”
  • “They’ll never understand”
  • “I’m a failure, and I’ll never amount to anything”

These mindsets, and similar ones, lead people to encourage, even perform, psychological and physical violence on others or themselves. The effects of this are seen across the world, from military conflicts, to socially-divisive political and ideologial tribalism, to online echo chambers of hate, and self-harm.

And the way that social media and news have been used for short-term gain of reputation and revenue has only been compounding this problem, making it continually worse over time.

Ugeddit exists to change this.

The solution we're building

Global awareness of clean, constructive, and collaborative ways of thinking.

  • “Clean” means free of judgement, blame, and projection, where instead it’s about expressing oneself and one’s own Pure Emotions, Direct Observations, and Core Needs
  • “Constructive” means rather than destroying, discrediting, or avoiding discomforts, instead it’s about aiming towards creating value, where things are given attention, new things are created, and appreciation is recognized
  • “Collaborative” means rather than only doing things alone, which is limiting, instead it’s about looking for the most effective ways to include and work with others, such that everyone can contribute as much as they can in ways that are comfortable for both them and everyone else who is affected by their involvement

We believe this way of thinking dissolves conflict before it even begins, because conflict comes from

  • “Unclear” communication that is repeated over and over again. But “clean” communication both clears things up if they’re not already clear, and keeps things clear if they are
  • “Destructive” thinking and behaviours which judge, blame, insult, and attack. But “constructive” thinking reverses this to recognize, understand, appreciate, and give
  • “Isolation” of both thought and action leading to rabbit holes, echo chambers, and silos that can unknowingly go in unhelpful directions or stagnate without diverse input. But “collaborative” thinking ensures different perspectives are included and help point out biases, add diverse insights to ideas, and distribute the mental and physical effort to make things easier for everyone

Our First Mission

To help 1,000,000 people understand each other better

Our Clear Vision

A world where every person knows how to communicate in ways that bring conflict to understanding.

A world in which people share their fears openly, supporting each other through them.

A world of people working together to turn problems into solutions.

A world with children growing up happy and capable.

A world at peace, united.

"I want to create a world where people share and help each other overcome their fears and frustrations, so that everyone can focus on making societal progress that benefits our entire civilization."

— Sabian Finogwar, Founder of Ugeddit