Ugeddit discord music sharing user feedback channel

New channels, activities

Hello, wonderful person!

On top of having a successful 2nd Deep Dive event about Rest & Sleep on Friday, I’m starting to implement new channels and regular activities for members in the server, many of them thanks to suggestions from people in the community.

  • Our Deep Dives discussion channels & voice chats were actually started from what people in the community wanted to do
  • Our #music-sharing and #hobbies-creativity-sharing text channels & voice chats were created to fill in a void some members had about wanting to share things in the server

Next updates

  • Members have told us they’re not seeing Discord’s welcome popup, or our rules-screener popup, so I’m setting up an onboarding flow that lets people know what Ugeddit is, what they can get here (including resources & support), and what they can do to get started. This flow will have a #welcome and #principles channel. We don’t use “rules” because those imply demands/restrictions and punishments; instead, we focus on living up to principles by aiming for ideal behaviours
  • An #intros channel where new members can share things they want the community to know about themselves, like their name, passions, and more
  • At least 1 more topic channel for our members to share and connect around their passions
  • I’m also setting up weekly feedback polls asking the community at consistent, regular times questions about channels, activities, etc that people think Ugeddit can remove, change, or add to make things simpler, and more comfortable, valuable, and exciting for them

How you can help

We’re looking for Volunteers to welcome new members, host activities, and/or facilitate events!

If you want to join, help, or you know someone who might want to join and/or help, you can send us a message

Always moving forward