Update: We Just Solved It

Wow. Literally right after I finished writing up the previous post about our app not working on Google Play, I just solved it.

This is not going to be a well-written post because I’m sharing this right before bed, but do you know how it feels to have had an infuriating problem all week where you had to go through horribly documented and confusing resources, and then take almost an entire day off to get away from it, but then the moment you get back the very first thing you do completely solves everything that was blocking your week, and now you can move forward again?

It’s like all this pressure built up against the wall we were facing, and then BOOM! WOOSH! Now we’re moving forward again.

Feels awesome!

Now we’re going to wrap up our final bugs and touches needed for bare functionality and security, and get YOU and people you know on our list of alpha testers!

Hell yeah! Let’s do this!

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